Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Cooperative Learning in Science (Materials) on 19 March 2008

Pupils learnt about the different properties of Materials from They watched a flash animation to find out whether the object is water-proof, hard, flexible or transparent. After that, pupils were grouped into their cooperative learning groups. They had to identify 6 objects in the classroom and state their material(s).

Gingerbread man - 17 March 2008

Pupils read a story entitled "The Gingerbread Man" from After In the story, Gingerbread man believed the sly fox and so it was eaten by the it when the fox brought the gingerbread man across the river. watching the flash animation, they had to change the ending of the story. Pupils came out with creative endings for the story.

ICT Science lessons - 7 March 2008

Pupils went to the computer laboratory and accessed the website to learn about the topics on Diversity such as Living and non-living Things, Materials and Differen Groups of Animals. They viewed videos, played Science-related games and completed online quizzes to test their understanding.

Ethnicity Booths - 6 March 2008

On 6 March 2008, pupils learned about other racial traditions and culture. There were four different booths set up in the school canteen displaying items from the 4 main racial groups in Singapore. Pupils had a good time participaint in activities such as using the chopsticks, making katupak and learning some traditional food.

Sunday, March 2, 2008

Dramatization in English Lesson - Picture Composition (29 February 2008)

Pupils role-played characters from a picture composition where a boy was lost in a shopping complex. A kind-hearted lady brought the boy to the information counter. The receptionist made an announcement. Soon, the boy's mother appeared. The mother and child were reunited again.

Cooperative Learning in Science - 29 February 2008

Pupils had a cooperative learning activity on Materials. Each group member was given a role card. Each group was given a deck of cards with pictures of various items made of different materials. They had to classify them according to the materials these items were made. Pupils had a lot of fun.

29 February 2008 - Science ICT Lesson

Pupils learnt about the Topic on Materials using a website After they had watched an animation, they had to fill in the blanks with the correct words. After gathering the infomation, each group discussed their answers before presenting to their peers. In this ICT Science lesson, pupils learnt to listen attentively and also work cooperatively as a group.

PPT slides on English - 26 February 2008

Pupils learnt about polite replies for an invitation. Cartoon characters chosen for the PPT slides resemble some pupils. Pupils were amused that they were chosen for the PPT presentation.

ICT and English Lessons on Fascinating Sea Creatures - 22 February 2008

Pupils watched a Science educational video on deep sea creatures during their English Lessons. This video is in conjunction to the topic "Fascinating Sea Creatures" from their English textbook. Pupils enjoyed the video very much. They were fascinated by the unqiue deep sea creatures in the video.

ICT Science Lesson -- 22 February 2008

Pupils were involved in a Pilot Test of a Science educational website called SciberDiver. Pupils were excited that their feedback will help the web developers to enhance the website. Pupils also had a good time learning about Science through this web portal.

Learning about Science from Newspapers - 11 February 2008

Newspapers can make the learning of Science more meaningful to pupils. To make the Science Topic on Animals more interesting, pupils read newpapers articles on frogs, Orang Utan (Ah Meng) and Hornbill. From reading this articles, they learnt that Mammals have fur as their outer-covering, Birds have feathers and a beak and birds lay eggs.