Friday, January 4, 2008

First day of school

For the first day of school, 3-Excellence pupils did a name card using construction papers. The
purpose of the name card is to enable them to know one another better. Pupils also introduced themselves to their classmates using a "About-Myself" form. They shared with their classmates about their favourite food, hobbies and their wish for the new year. Some pupils were also randomly selected to present themselves to their peers. By doing so, their confidence level will increase tremendously. :)


lea5874 said...

Mr. Ang,

Its great that you came up with your "educational blog". This will be very helpful for us parents who wants to monitor the progress of our kids.The pictures also allows me to take a peek of what's happening in the classroom. My daughter always says that she had a wonderful time in school.

Rest assured that I will be checking the posts regularly.

More Power and thanks to you!

Lea Manalo

carlo said...


How did you put photos in the blog?
